About NYCastings Email

emails from NYCastings photo

This page explains everything about email coming from NYCastings. To start, there are several ways in which a person may get an email from NYCastings. Also you can get all of the emails below whether you are an ACTIVE Member (paid) or INACTIVE member (non-paying). 

1. General Public Email Lists – Join this List Now

Anyone can join our general email lists and get our NYCastings Daily sheet 2 times a day at 1PM & 6PM with a list of all casting notices posted that day. Also on this list you will get Casting Notice ‘Rush Call’ alerts. These alerts keep talent in the loop as soon as projects start casting so talent can submit immediately. On this list you may also get important site updates, advice articles and promotions.

A person can also opt-in to our other public lists for Classes and Film Production Professionals (for Casting Directors, Directors, Producers & Agencies).

You can remove yourself from this list from a link at the bottom of any email.

2. Talent who has created a resume in our Database – Add your Resume Now

Emails associated with your resume on NYCastings can come from a few sources.

1. You can get an email from a client emailing you directly from your resume. This may have originated from a submission that you made to a casting notice or from a general search that the casting director has made.
2. You may also get a notification that your photo has been ‘viewed’ by a casting director. We send this to let you know things are working and you are getting seen by the casting directors in search.
3. You may also get emails that say your resume page was viewed by a casting director.
4. You may get emails from admin giving you tips to make a better resume after viewing your full resume.

You can edit your information at any time here.

3. Email and or TEXT Alerts

You can get ‘Role Alerts‘ by signing up for them from your Talent Dashboard page. You can also turn them off from the same page. You sign up to receive these alerts by phone TEXT or Email. These alerts show you the kind casting notices that may be right for you. These are filtered by things like: Location, Age, Sex, Race, Size, Etc. These alerts are sent automatically when a new casting notice is posted.

If you have any questions you can email us here

