Biggest Mistakes Aspiring Models Make

Hearing the call of the catwalk? You gotta work – do your homework!

Hi, I’m Trudi Tapscott and I’d love to explain to you some of the biggest mistakes models make in the beginning, when you’re first learning your job. I think it’s probably good things for parents to know too, because when you’re 14, 15 years-old, the person that’s looking out for you, your protector, is your parent, so anything you want to do or pursue, they’re going to be there with you. I really think that when you’re in your hometown, the biggest mistake you make is that someone is going to come and discover you, and rescue you, and you’re going to be a top model, and you’re going to make a million dollars tomorrow, that is never going to happen. It is a job, it’s a career, it’s a business….

From Howcast
Published on Aug 21, 2013

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