

When you need to look upset for an acting role or performance, there are a few things you can do to make sure you look convincing. First, it’s important to know what kind of upset you need to portray. Is ...

“And I’m working at this like group home with Suzy Harris.” From the play, “Pretty Theft.” In this monologue Allegra talks to her sick and asleep father. Ideal for Teen Females – 1-3 Minutes. By: Adam Szymkowicz ALLEGRA: And I’m ...

“My name’s not Violet.” from the play, “Alcott” Violet finally tells them off. Ideal for Adult Females ranging from 30-39. 1-2 Mins. Written By: Adam SzymkowiczA VIOLET: My name’s not Violet. My name has never been Violet. I always introduce myself as ...

“See, the thing is, I care very much about aviation.” from the film “The Aviator.” Brought to a Congressional hearing by Senator Brewster over misused government money that Hughes Aircraft received to build several war planes, Howard Hughes has to defend ...

“You can understand me? Like hell you can.” from the film “Youth.” Lena tells her father how she feels about him. Ideal for Adult Females ranging from 20-35. 1-2 Mins. Written By: Paolo Sorrentino Lena: You can understand me? Like hell ...