Monologues and Scripts

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Ideal for adult males or females, 30 – 60 years. 1 Min.  Oh, bravo! Bravo to our politicians, the saviors of our great nation! How lucky are we to have such selfless individuals working tirelessly day and night… to ruin this country! Oh, the sacrifices they make, putting their personal interests aside for the greater […]

Ideal for adult females ranging from 18-49. 1 Min. Here I stand, in the cradle of liberty, yet I find myself bound by the chains of those who claim to know better than I, what is best for me, for my body. They label us murderers, heartless, soulless, for making a choice that tears at […]

Why, hello, heartache. You’re an old, unwanted friend. I’ve known you, walked with you, wept with you. You’ve painted my world in shades of grey, cloaked my dreams in darkness. I’ve seen love blossom, only to wither and die in my hands. I’ve been to the depths of despair, lost in the echo chambers of […]

“It’s funny…you know, we talk about ‘roots’ as if they’re a lifeline, anchoring us to our past. But sometimes, they’re chains, aren’t they? They can hold you down, keep you from soaring to places you never knew existed. 1-2 Min.  (Deep breath. The actor stares into the middle distance, lost in thought, before finally speaking.) […]

“She saw that you didn’t love her” from the play, “The Straw” As the nurse on the floor, Miss Gilpin deals with the end moments of a person’s life. Eileen had her heart broken by Stephen, who has come back to visit. Miss Gilpen advises Stephen that Eileen never forgot her love for him. Ideal for […]

“Discouraging? It’s immoral!” from the play, “Pictures” Joe vents his frustration regarding the art people are taught to admire and praise. Ideal for adult males ranging from 20-39. 1-2 Mins. Written By: Horace Holley JOE: Discouraging? It’s immoral! Oh, these smug people who have been taught what to admire! These unborn souls who want to shut […]

“You have instincts and part of you knows things but the other part of you doesn’t want it to be so.” From the play, “Pretty Theft.” The waitress recounts her night. Ideal for adult females, 40s – 1-2 Minutes. By: Adam Szymkowicz WAITRESS: You have instincts and part of you knows things but the other […]

“And I’m working at this like group home with Suzy Harris.” From the play, “Pretty Theft.” In this monologue Allegra talks to her sick and asleep father. Ideal for Teen Females – 1-3 Minutes. By: Adam Szymkowicz ALLEGRA: And I’m working at this like group home with Suzy Harris. We hang out a lot. You […]

“It was never supposed to happen.” From the play “Kodachrome.” The Photographer tells of her death. Ideal for Adult Females, 30-50 – 1-2 Minutes. By: Adam Szymkowicz THE PHOTOGRAPHER It was never supposed to happen. Or it was never supposed to last long. When I asked him out, he said yes to make her mad. […]

“Hi. This is weird.” From the play, “Kodachrome.” The Librarian talks to a tombstone in this monologue. Ideal for Adult Females, 30-50 – 1-2 Minutes. By: Adam Szymkowicz LIBRARIAN (Speaking to a gravestone) Hi. This is weird. Hi. I wanted to . . . I don’t know what. I saw Charlie. I went to see Charlie, […]

“What do people do after they get rejected?” From the play, “Hearts Like Fists.” In this monologue, Lisa contemplates how it feels after being rejected. Ideal for Adult Females, 20-50. 1 Min. By: Adam Szymkowicz LISA: What do people do after they get rejected? Do they curl into a ball and die? Do they tear out […]

“I want to stop. I really do.” From the play, “Incendiary”. Elise wants to stop setting fires but is having some difficulty. Ideal for Adult Females, 20-50 – 1-2 Minutes. By: Adam Szymkowicz ELISE: I want to stop. I really do. I’m trying. I really am. But I don’t think you understand. A fire is […]

“Can we stop the play for a second?” From the play, ‘The Parking Lot’. J stops the play and addresses the audience telling them they are worthy of love. Ideal for adult females, 30-50 – 1 Minute. By: Adam Szymkowicz J: Can we stop the play for a second? (to the audience.) I just want […]

“Golde! Golde! I have such news for you.” From the musical, “Fiddler on the Roof.” Yente the Matchmaker comes to deliver news to Golde about a potential match for her eldest daughter Tzeitel. But, she gets caught up in her own head before she can remember the news. Ideal for Adult Females, 45-75 – 1-2 […]

“Well then how can you say such a thing, I want you to get married, how many times have I said to you I want you to get married.” From the musical, “Once Upon a Mattress.” The Queen assures her son of his doubts, all while lying to him about her true intentions to have […]

“When I was a girl, my father held a ball.” From the TV show, “Game of Thrones.” Brienne of Tarth recounts her tragic backstory and what made her fall in love with Renly Baratheon years ago. Ideal for Adult Females, 18-30 – 1-2 Minutes. BRIENNE OF TARTH: When I was a girl, my father held […]

“I am pleased to inform you, sir, that your plans for my daughter seem to have gone a trifle awry.” From the play, “The Man Who Came to Dinner.” Mr. Stanley has finally gained the upper hand on Sheridan Whiteside who has held him at legal gunpoint for the entirety of the show, forcing Stanley […]

“It is one of the most endearing and touching stories of our generation.” From the play, “The Man Who Came to Dinner.” by George Kaufman and Moss Heart. Sheridan Whiteside recounts a famous story he knows about Elias P. Crockfield in the only way he knows how, endearingly with just the right amount of dry […]

“I know you’re probably mad at me for leaving before the funeral, but I just can’t do it.” From “Pretty Theft”. In this monologue, Allegra recounts her grief. Ideal for teen females – 1-3 Minutes.  By: Adam Szymkowicz ALLEGRA I know you’re probably mad at me for leaving before the funeral, but I just can’t […]

“Well I wouldn’t shut up, would I?” From the play, “Pretty Theft.” In this monologue Suzy shoplifts. Ideal for Teen Females – 1-3 Minutes. By: Adam Szymkowicz SUZY (Shoplifting) Well I wouldn’t shut up, would I? When you don’t shut up, the boys notice you. Course, eventually you realize no one was really listening. And […]
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