Pretty Theft – Adult Female – Comedy

“You have instincts and part of you knows things but the other part of you doesn’t want it to be so.” From the play, “Pretty Theft.” The waitress recounts her night. Ideal for adult females, 40s – 1-2 Minutes.

By: Adam Szymkowicz


You have instincts and part of you knows things but the other part of you doesn’t want it to be so. So you say, “no, that’s not it.” A does
not lead to B because hey that’s far fetched. Who would believe? The mind is being dramatic and should not be encouraged. Been letting it
go too much. Too much time alone to consider too many possibilities.

But to answer your question Tom, sure there was two girls in here. Had some sandwiches. Left right before you came in. Don’t know where they went. Didn’t say.

Just paid and left. Young girls. Too cute for their own good. Are they in trouble or are they themselves trouble? It’s got to be one or the
other. No, don’t tell me. I don’t need to know.

Can I offer you some ice cream. Sure, you can stay a minute. Or long enough for a bowl. Them girls is probably long gone by now. Down a
back road never to be seen again. Now how ‘bout that? Never to be seen again. That would be something.

Link to full play here:

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