
10 Tips on Mastering Relationships with Directors and Crew

Acting isn’t just about delivering lines in front of a camera or captivating an audience on stage; it’s about forging effective working relationships with a wide array of professionals, ranging from directors to the behind the scenes crew. We’re going ...

The art of delivering an impressive monologue is a skill often neglected, especially amongst teenagers. Yet, in a world increasingly valuing effective communication, this talent is more essential than ever. Acting auditions, speech competitions, presentations – these all require a ...

Children’s theater is a vibrant part of the performing arts world, focusing on creating theatrical experiences specifically designed for young audiences. It demands a unique set of skills from actors, including the ability to engage, entertain, and inspire children through ...
parental involvement

When it comes to children in show business, parental involvement is crucial for their success and well-being. However, finding the right balance between being an advocate and being overbearing can be challenging. While parental guidance is essential for navigating the ...
Set Etiquette

Being a child actor comes with the responsibility of maintaining professional conduct both on and off the set. Proper set etiquette and on-set behavior are expected for kids to thrive in the industry while fostering positive relationships with cast and ...