John Williams

Kathy Bates in Misery

In any movie, there is usually an evil character. This character can be anyone from the protagonist’s enemy, to a minor villain, to a completely monstrous being. But what makes an evil character so compelling? For one thing, an evil ...
Back to the Future - Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson, Tom Wilson

Cowards are often depicted in film and television as weak characters who run away from danger or confrontations. However, there are a few brave cowards out there who have broken the mold and shown that being a coward isn’t always ...
Sarah Douglas as Ursa in Superman II

Sarah Douglas, who played the Kryptonian anti-superhero Ursa in Superman and Superman II, had no idea that 42 years later, she’d still be approached on the street by fans wanting to discuss all things Superman. With nearly 50 years in ...