Ryan Gosling


Over time, movies have acted as a mirror reflecting societal standards and beliefs. In the past, female characters in films and TV were frequently confined to roles that upheld conventional gender norms, depicting them as inferior to men. However, as ...
Mastering the Gaze - How Eye Contact Elevates Film Acting - Iconic Scenes Explored

Eye contact is a powerful tool in the realm of film acting, serving as a silent yet profound way to convey a character’s emotions, intentions, and relationships. Here’s an advice article on the importance of eye contact in film acting ...

We released an article about Why Diversity Matters In Storytelling. This was based on a spectrum geared toward adults. Now, we’re going to talk about the impact of diversity and inclusivity in children’s entertainment and how this creates new opportunities ...

The power dynamic between actors and casting directors can be debated til the end of time. While both actors and casting directors play crucial roles in the industry, the power dynamic between them is not always equal. Casting directors are ...

Actors are often thought of as confident, outgoing people. However, many actors are actually highly sensitive. Being highly sensitive means that you are easily overwhelmed by stimuli and you feel things deeply. This can be both a blessing and a ...