Nick Zano

Director giving cameraman scene direction.

Ladies, have you ever thought about becoming a Director? I have a bullet point list below of reasons to ask yourself to see if it’s the right move for you, but before we get to that, take a sip of ...
Aliyah O'Brien - Photographer: Kristine Cofsky, Stylist: Jaralin Detienne, Hair and Makeup: Swank Makeup Artistry

DC’s Legends of Tomorrow actress Aliyah O’Brien is passionate about spreading love, and it shows in her work. The ability to naturally shine has a magnetic result on people, especially in the casting room. Think about it – all day, ...
Laura Vandervoort in Age of Dysphoria

Netflix V Wars Actress Laura Vandervoort says, “‘Fake it ’til you make it’ really is a bible in this business.” As an actor for over two decades, Laura Vandervoort has been through the hoops. Starting in show business as a ...