Patrick Swayze

Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie

Drag acting is a form of performance art that involves performers, often members of the LGBTQ+ community, dressing up in exaggerated costumes and makeup to portray characters of a different gender or identity. While drag acting has long been a ...
Henry Cavill in The Witcher

Some of the world’s greatest actors have a few secrets up their sleeves that help them to become the amazing performers they are. These secrets, while they may be different for each actor, all share one common goal: to create ...
Luke and Laura's Wedding on General Hospital

Nothing tells a better story than infatuation. Usually infatuation is very intense and short-lived, however, there really isn’t any rule set for how long infatuation can last. Oftentimes, infatuation can be borderline creepy, even considered something called “obsessive love” which ...