Stephen King

Jack Nicholson In 'The Shining'

Actors who feel they can re-write the script is a phenomenon where actors, often with significant influence or clout, believe that they have the authority or creative license to modify the screenplay or dialogue of a film. This can range ...
Kathy Bates in Misery

In any movie, there is usually an evil character. This character can be anyone from the protagonist’s enemy, to a minor villain, to a completely monstrous being. But what makes an evil character so compelling? For one thing, an evil ...
Tricia Helfer in Battlestar Galactica

Battlestar Galactica actor Tricia Helfer played the unforgettable incarnations of character Number Six. Currently, Tricia is in two back-to-back shows which premiered at the same time: Shudder Network’s Creepshow and Syfy’s Van Helsing. Just like Number Six, Tricia follows, and leads, with ...