

ACTING STAGE TERMS GLOSSARY Common Theater Terms Auditions: Readings before a director to determine casting of a play. Call Backs: An additional audition for the final actors being considered. Similar to semifinals in sports. Clear the Stage: A direction given ...
Film work

“If this is what you are called to do then you must do it.” Victor Verhaeghe is a multifaceted, seasoned actor and writer, having been in NYC for upward of 30 years.  His career has spanned over many different artistic ...

You’ll recognize Adina Porter from the CW’s The 100, HBO’s True Blood and HBO’s The Newsroom. Soon you’ll see her on the new show Underground. Adina Porter is a master at transformation. She’s barely recognizable from role to role. Even if ...

We, as humans, tend to overthink situations. An audition is a situation. No matter where you are in your career, going on an audition gets your blood pumping and the adrenaline just doesn’t stop. You’re so excited you have trouble ...

Award Winning Writer * Producer * Partner… If these accolades appeal to you as an artist, then get ready to mentally devour every word of advice from the award winning partners of Choice Films and Choice Theatricals… Summer Crockett Moore and TonyGlazer ...

Auditioning has a great deal to do with the art of social networking. Everything in an audition sends a message and builds a profile in the mind of the casting director. The more you know, the larger potential you have ...

Casting Director Tony Pichette speaks scientifically about the casting process How often do you meet a casting director who majored in Theatre and minored in Chemistry? Not too frequently! That is why I had to ask Casting Director Tony Pichette ...
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Commercial Agent Carole Ingber shares her upbeat view on the industry. Everything’s fine… Actors you can kick back and truly be yourself when it comes to meeting Commercial Agent Carole Ingber, owner of Ingber and Associates in New York City. ...

Tell all at The Moth StorySLAM in NYC Living in the limelight… the universal dream… For those who wish to be seen, you can step in front of a packed audience and share your real life stories at The Moth ...
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Talent Manager Henry Ravelo reveals the Origin of Opportunity. Break out roles require strong actors and Talent Manager Henry Ravelo believes that uniqueness plays an essential role in landing jobs. He described how to make the most of your attributes ...
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Talent Manager Henry Ravelo reveals the Origin of Opportunity. Bursting onto the acting scene can feel chaotic and random, but you do have control of what happens. You can create a long lasting career and Talent Manager Henry Ravelo shares ...

Keeping it real with casting directors Brooke Thomas and Mary Egan In a chic Hell’s Kitchen loft, I sat down with the dynamic duo known as Brooke and Mary within the commercial industry… to chat about their opinions as casting ...