Search Results for "resume"


Surviving and thriving. Oh boy! As a stage actor, you embody more than mere performance; you’re an artist who infuses stories with vitality through a fusion of skill, passion, and steadfast dedication. Embrace certain strategies to not just survive but ...

The auditioning landscape has undergone a dramatic shift in recent years, particularly with the advent of virtual technology. Today’s actors are often required to navigate between the traditional in-person auditions and the increasingly prevalent virtual audition format. This hybrid environment demands ...

Becoming a successful commercial actor requires understanding the diverse landscape of opportunities and navigating both union and non-union work. Here’s a comprehensive guide to help aspiring commercial actors achieve success. Understanding the Diversity of Commercial Acting Opportunities Television Commercials: These ...

Here are some tips to address good Direct Submitting etiquette. Please read and use these tips when submitting to projects. … Do not submit to projects in states you are not in, unless the casting notice states that this is ...

Mastering Your Image: The Actor as the Architect of Perception In the world of acting, perception plays a crucial role in the trajectory of your career. You are not merely a performer but a brand, an entity with a unique ...

As an aspiring actor, finding your “type” is a crucial step in the journey to success. Your type is the category of characters you are most suited to play based on your physical appearance, personality, and acting style. It is ...

Welcome to an exclusive DirectSubmit NYCastings interview with Ashlei Sharpe Chestnut, the actress who has made her mark on the iconic series Star Trek: Picard. We had the privilege of delving into Ashlei’s journey, from her initial introduction to the ...

As a child, I was brought into the acting world by my parents, who both had their own businesses. At the time, (I started acting and modeling at 6 months old) I didn’t understand the business aspects of the entertainment ...

Child actors have been a staple in the film industry for many years, bringing dynamic energy and fresh talent to the big and small screens. While the focus for many child actors is on acting, others have also found success ...

The power dynamic between actors and casting directors can be debated til the end of time. While both actors and casting directors play crucial roles in the industry, the power dynamic between them is not always equal. Casting directors are ...

The dream of becoming an actor is one that’s captivated young people for centuries. The glamour, fame and artistry associated with the profession is alluring to many children. Whether your child is just beginning to express a desire to pursue ...

Being a parent of a child actor can be an exciting and rewarding experience. It’s also one that comes with unique challenges. From finding the right acting classes to navigating auditions, there’s a lot for parents to learn. This guide ...

Many stand-up comedians have become successful actors. This, of course, includes roles in comedies, but also includes dramas; great stand-up comedians like Whoopi Goldberg and Robin Williams went on to win Academy Awards (Goldberg for Ghost in 1990; Williams for Good Will Hunting ...

A reel is a very important tool for an actor to have. It demonstrates their abilities as well as the way they come across on camera. Any working actor should either be working towards building their reel or revising it ...

Standing out in such an over-competitive market is at times difficult.  With that said, uniqueness becomes even more fleeting when we feel we are overcompensating to gain opportunities.  But for actors specifically, getting ahead may be as easy as one ...

Throughout your acting career, you will experience many different phases. The first phase is the beginning, where you are full of hope and dreams of becoming a successful actor. You may have some success early on, but it is often ...

My father taught me a very important lesson that he learned when he was a boy in school. It was about following the instructions. Very simple, yet why is it so hard to do and how can it affect you ...

In Hollywood, it’s all about the leading role. The actor who gets top billing and is featured prominently in the trailers and posters. But sometimes, the best performances come from the supporting cast, the actors in smaller roles who flesh ...


The question of what an actor is willing to sacrifice in order to have a successful career is one that is often debated. There are many different opinions on the matter, but it ultimately comes down to what the individual ...