talent managers

SummerCrockettMoore-headshot-legit (1)

Ready to explode on the indie film scene? To strut down some film festival red carpets? And finally get those locked doors to burst open? Well get your inner dreamer ready for intense inspiration because actress/producer Summer Crockett Moore recently ...

Ready to explode on the indie film scene? To strut down some film festival red carpets? And finally get those locked doors to burst open? Well get your inner dreamer ready for intense inspiration because actress/producer Summer Crockett Moore recently ...

As actors, we’re always interested in stretching the limits. There’s no end as to how a character can be played. We have an idea in our head, but the director might have a totally different idea. Creating your character is ...
same sex scenes-guys

Last article we found out how actresses handled same-sex scenes. Now it’s the guy’s turn! Gale Harold of Queer as Folk, Freddie Smith of Days of Our Lives and Dan Feuerriegel of Spartacus weigh in on what was once the ...