The Dark Knight

Robert De Niro in Raging Bull

Method acting, a technique that has stirred both admiration and controversy in the acting world, remains a topic of fascination and debate. This acting technique, known for its depth and intensity, has a rich history and an array of famous ...
Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick

Actors need to look the part and feel the part in order to get the part. They have to audition for roles, and the competition can be stiff. To get the part, they need to impress the casting director, director ...

There is no denying that the life of a child actor is drastically different from that of other kids. For one, they often have to juggle acting and schooling, which can be difficult. They also typically have to deal with ...
Back to the Future - Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson, Tom Wilson

Cowards are often depicted in film and television as weak characters who run away from danger or confrontations. However, there are a few brave cowards out there who have broken the mold and shown that being a coward isn’t always ...

“Wanna know how I got these scars?” From the Film “The Dark Knight.” The Joker describes how he got his scars. Dramatic monologue for Adult Male Actors. 1-2 Min.  Written by: Christopher Nolan, David S. Goyer, and Jonathan Nolan JOKER: ...