“Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” – Kid/Teen Male – Dramatic

“I congratulate you, young boy” from the film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Slugworth tries to lure Charlie into going undercover. Dramatic Monologue for Kid/Teen Male. 1 Min.

Written by: John August

SLUGWORTH: I congratulate you, little boy. Well done. You found the fifth Golden Ticket. May I introduce myself. Arthur Slugworth, President of Slugworth Chocolates, Incorporated. Now listen carefully because I’m going to make you very rich indeed. Mr. Wonka is at this moment working on a fantastic invention: the Everlasting Gobstopper. If he succeeds, he’ll ruin me. So all I want you to do is to get hold of just one Everlasting Gobstopper and bring it to me so that I can find the secret formula. Your reward will be ten thousand of these. (he flips through a stack of money) Think it over, will you. A new house for your family, and good food and comfort for the rest of their lives. And don’t forget the name: Everlasting Gobstopper.

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