Search Results for "headshot"


Standing out in such an over-competitive market is at times difficult.  With that said, uniqueness becomes even more fleeting when we feel we are overcompensating to gain opportunities.  But for actors specifically, getting ahead may be as easy as one ...

There’s one pet peeve that Casting Directors have, and that’s when an actor does NOT look like their headshot. Can you guess why? No need to think about it too much because I’m going to tell you why in just ...

5 NY Headshot Photographers That I Like Here is a list of good NY Headshot Photographers to research when you’re ready to get your first or your next Actors Headshot. When looking for a photographer to take your ‘Actors Headshot’ ...

“You are as young as your self-confidence, as old as your fears; as young as your hope, as old as your despair.” – Samuel Ullman Age for actors can often be a touchy subject. We are by nature vain creatures; ...

There are two topics that are talked about probably more than any other among actors trying to establish themselves. Auditions are one of them, mainly because that is the primary hoop we have to jump through in order to land ...

There are a few workplace norms that are seen as old-fashioned, relics from another era. Suits and ties on men are rapidly giving way to a casual Friday look that begins on Monday and lasts all week. And if you ...

It’s a new year, a time when we sweep out the old and invite in the new, creating fresh changes for our lives. It’s time for resolutions ranging from dusting off that old gym membership, to signing up for new ...

In an unseasonably warm Autumn in New York, one can only imagine fashionistas peering shrewishly up at the beaming sun, still wearing last summer’s shorts and t-shirts, frustrated in their desires to switch to that smart new fall sweater that’s ...

It’s autumn in New York, and naturally a young actor’s fancy turns to thoughts of…new headshots. Or at least it should. If you have even a vague sense that it might possibly, maybe, perhaps be nearly time for new headshots, ...

The Actor Headshot: A necessary — and sometimes painful — first step towards having a serious acting career. As much as we actors love to be in front of the camera, there’s something about going to a headshot session that makes actors ...

Movie stars and glamour queens may grace the pages of magazines, but when it comes to commercial print work… “natural and approachable” people snap the real money shots. “There is a difference between what someone wants to see themselves as, ...

In the ever-evolving landscape of the acting world, distinguishing yourself is paramount. One such avenue for male actors to consider is cultivating a mustache. This seemingly simple change can significantly impact your casting potential, offering a new dimension to your ...

In the dynamic world of acting, securing auditions is akin to unlocking the doors to a realm of endless possibilities. Whether you’re a seasoned thespian or a budding talent, each audition represents a step closer to realizing your artistic dreams. ...

In the dynamic world of acting, versatility is key. One often overlooked aspect of an actor’s versatility is their wardrobe. A diverse wardrobe is not just a collection of clothes; it’s a toolbox for character creation. In this article, we’ll ...

True or false? Actors continually find themselves navigating a highly competitive landscape. We all know the answer is true. Standing out in such a saturated market demands not only talent and dedication but also a strategic approach to personal branding, ...

Embarking on a journey to become a successful actor in the world of studio feature films is akin to setting out on a grand adventure. It’s a path filled with challenges, learning experiences, and moments of triumph. To navigate this ...

Here is a quick explanation of the elements of your Talent Dashboard. You can also use the My Account link in the header of the website to access these same pages. 1. Your Page: – This shows your vanity link ...

In the cutthroat world of show business, actors must prioritize crafting an outstanding resume. A meticulously prepared resume not only showcases your skills and experience but also sets you apart in the eyes of casting professionals and talent agents. The ...

Surviving and thriving. Oh boy! As a stage actor, you embody more than mere performance; you’re an artist who infuses stories with vitality through a fusion of skill, passion, and steadfast dedication. Embrace certain strategies to not just survive but ...

The auditioning landscape has undergone a dramatic shift in recent years, particularly with the advent of virtual technology. Today’s actors are often required to navigate between the traditional in-person auditions and the increasingly prevalent virtual audition format. This hybrid environment demands ...