Johnny Depp

7 Lessons to Learn from Actors Who Have Not Had Acting Lessons

There are countless tales of actors who have reached great heights without undergoing formal training. Starting from modest origins and eventually basking in the glow of the limelight, these performers frequently attribute their success to innate abilities, unwavering resolve, and ...
Unraveling the Character: A Guide to Making Informed Choices for Actors

As an actor, your ability to create a rich, layered character that resonates with audiences is paramount to your craft. When handed a new script, the choices you make will shape the character you bring to life. In this article, ...
Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Photo by Bueno Vista Pictures.

Characters are the lifeblood of any story. They provide the reader with someone to root for, or against. They are the ones that drive the plot forward and without them, there would be no story. So what goes into creating ...
Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick

Actors need to look the part and feel the part in order to get the part. They have to audition for roles, and the competition can be stiff. To get the part, they need to impress the casting director, director ...
Back to the Future - Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson, Tom Wilson

Cowards are often depicted in film and television as weak characters who run away from danger or confrontations. However, there are a few brave cowards out there who have broken the mold and shown that being a coward isn’t always ...
Ewan Horrocks

Teenage actor Ewan Horrocks is making a name for himself, having just finished filming the British television series The Last Kingdom. You can catch up on the previous seasons on Netflix. Show business is a whirlwind and juggling time is something ...
NYCastings - 5 Casting Director Tips

They say it isn’t what you know, but who you know in this business of show. Although that is an old and overused sentiment, it continues to be true. And it only makes sense that show business would be a ...
Getting casting again and again

We’re all aware of the great collaborations that seem to crop up again and again when it comes to acting, directing, and creating in general: Alfred Hitchcock and James Stewart, Martin Scorsese and Robert DeNiro, Tim Burton and Johnny Depp. ...
Talent Agents

When coming to LA to be an actor, the first thing you need to do is get an agent. The trouble most new talent run into is that most agents want experience, and getting experience without an agent very difficult. ...
into the woods

Earning a role on Broadway, or being cast in a major feature film are seemingly implausible dreams to the majority of actors plunking along the New York City audition scene. For Lilla Crawford, these feats are simply credits on her ...