Let’s face it, the world we live in is hyper-connected through social media. And barring disaster, that’s unlikely to change anytime soon. There’s no avoiding it: from politics to social justice movements to finding lost children to selling your stuff ...
Some people strive to be different. We all had that one friend in school: they make a great effort to buck current trends, they go out of their way to dress aggressively weird, they pretend not to know anything about ...
If anyone knows about the various markets in the U.S. for actors and casting, it would have to be Cathy Reinking. A veteran of television casting in L.A. from way back, including work on shows like “Frasier,” “Arrested Development,” and ...
Over the course of a couple of decades in casting in L.A., Dea Vise has seen a lot of things–including some things that would curl your hair, as the saying goes. But Vise says if she had to distill one ...
As a single mom of an 8-month-old girl, independent casting director Neely Gurman has just a quick moment to chat via phone from her Woodland Hills home as her daughter takes a rare nap. “She’s hyper,” Gurman said. “She works ...
Talent Agent Caroline Raedeker-Freitas Runs the Top Agency in San Diego, and She Has Some Advice for Budding Actors: Turn Left at L.A. if You Want to Book More Work When actors think about moving to Southern California to pursue ...
As actors, we’re taught to hustle. We’re essentially freelancers or independent contractors, and as such we don’t have the luxury of kicking back in a cubicle, phoning it in and waiting for the next bimonthly paycheck. We always have to ...
Jumping into acting as a career choice is like stepping off a cliff, and at the bottom is a murky pool filled with black water and populated with mysterious swirling creatures that you can’t quite make out. In other words, ...
Recently I posted a list of things most actors probably wish they had known when they were just getting started. But as the list developed I realized I was really going to need to list more than five. There are ...
Remember when you were just getting your start in acting? For some of you maybe that isn’t so long ago. But for some of us, that was several lifetimes ago. It’s hard to remember the optimistic, shiny bright-scrubbed faces we had ...
If you’re reading these pages, it’s a safe bet that you’ve already been bitten by the acting bug, in one capacity or another. Somewhere along the line, anyone working as an actor, dancer, singer, agent, director or casting director saw ...
So, you live in Small Town, USA and want to make it to the Big City. How do you do it? There are numerous steps and options. But let’s start with voice lessons, acting class, dance class, auditioning, networking, and ...
Show business can be scary. Show business can be harsh. Show business can be rewarding. Let’s skip the “Do you have what it takes to be an actor” and go right to “Do you have what it takes to go ...
“The key to staying confident, or at least trying to, is to do something for someone else, be of service to someone else.” NYC-based actress Cassandra Freeman is a powerful triple threat. From starring roles in Spike Lee’s “Inside Man” ...
“If this is what you are called to do then you must do it.” Victor Verhaeghe is a multifaceted, seasoned actor and writer, having been in NYC for upward of 30 years. His career has spanned over many different artistic ...
Here is 1 great Tip to becoming a Better and more Successful Actor. Many people think the only way to become a better Actor is to take classes constantly, which is a great way to learn from a seasoned professional, get ...
Breaking into this business is not an easy feat. Between the required training, the headshot expenses, and the necessary flexibility, balancing out everything you need to put yourself in the best light is not easy. And that’s exactly why many ...
YES! You read that right. We have 20 golden nuggets of advice that will help you rock your next film audition. These 20 simple yet vital points, are brought to you by renowned Casting Director – Donna McKenna. Donna McKenna, ...
Jason George and Chandra Wilson in Grey’s Anatomy Photo by Mitch Haaseth / ABC Jason George has been in show business since the late 1990’s. This explains why he’s such a seasoned actor. But even with a resume taller than ...
It happened! After submitting to countless projects on NYCastings.com, you finally got called in for an audition. You’re excited to have your chance to go in and show the casting director what you can do. However, another wave of emotion ...