tv series

Big Dogs TV Series

Actor. Actress. Writer. Producer. Showrunner. Mentor. Husband. Wife. Summer Crockett Moore and Tony Glazer wear many hats in this business, and from the sound of it, they don’t take anything for granted. These co-working and cohabitating co-Executive Producers of the Big ...
Glenn Scarpelli

GLENN SCARPELLI has been a staple in show business for 40+ years. He is one of the people you can say has continued to build an entertainment career over a macro period of time. … And with time comes revivals. ...
the casting process explained

There is a great deal of mystery that goes into the process of acting, a great deal of unknowable connection and subjective emotions and hard-to-explain technique that can often be seen, but which are difficult to quantify. All this, as ...
LA sunset

Fall season premieres are anxiously awaited by television viewers, and make the ending of summer just a little bit easier. Those cliff hangers from May season finales always leave everyone wanting more, but did you know that filming has already ...
Acting on Camera

Jumping into acting as a career choice is like stepping off a cliff, and at the bottom is a murky pool filled with black water and populated with mysterious swirling creatures that you can’t quite make out. In other words, ...
Photo Credit: Vince Trupsin

Pretending is fun. It’s an action that has been utilized for lifetimes, whether it be pretending to battle dragons in the backyard or pretending to enjoy the vegetable lasagna that grandma worked tirelessly on. However, over an extended period of ...