Search Results for "Meisner Technique"


Show business is full of colorful acting terminology. Here is a short list of Showbiz terms that an actor might want to be familiar with! A-LIST – Usually refers to top-tier actors/actresses who are paid upwards of $20 million per feature film; can also ...

As actors, we’re always interested in stretching the limits. There’s no end as to how a character can be played. We have an idea in our head, but the director might have a totally different idea. Creating your character is ...

Talent Manager Henry Ravelo Reveals the Origin of Opportunity Grab hold of your acting chops and get ready to travel to the ultimate break through dimension. In parts 1-4 of this story (link), Henry shared his theory on being unique, ...

Michelle Danner stands out in a league of her own, boasting a multifaceted career as a performer, teacher, storyteller, entrepreneur, and expert. As the legendary acting teacher and founder of the Creative Center for the Arts and the Los Angeles ...

A Guide for Actors Versatility is key. A versatile actor can seamlessly transition between different roles, genres, and mediums, making them invaluable in the industry. But how does one cultivate such a diverse skill set? Here are five ways to ...

Donna Morong is an award-winning Los Angeles-based Casting Director. Highlights of her incredible career include fifteen years as a casting executive at The Walt Disney Company, where as part of a team, she cast a list of major stars including ...

The CW’s Riverdale Actor Marcus Zane balances life between his hometown of Vancouver, Canada and Los Angeles, CA. It’s not easy just picking up, sometimes at a moment’s notice, to move to a different country. Yet for actors, this is ...

“I’ll always be there because I’m a skilled professional actor. Whether or not I’ve any talent is beside the point.” – Michael Caine Does everyone remember when they booked their first paying gig? It’s truly an amazing feeling –  whether ...

Probably for as long as acting has existed, there has been a common trope regarding how dumb actors are. The dizzy blond, the vacuous pretty boy–there are jokes about these stereotypes dating back to Shakespeare’s time and likely beyond. And ...

Oftentimes there is confusion about working on Broadway vs. Regional vs. Community theater. There are so many factors that come into play (pun intended, haha. Ok so I need a new joke, whatever). Back on track. There are pay scale ...

Ever think, “I MUST become a successful, working actor or I’ll die!” Well… taking a class at the renowned T. Schreiber Studio in New York City will help you ignite that passion, not just for acting but for every character. ...

Actor Joanne Baron shares her first hand knowledge of video auditioning Like a shooting star, Joanne Baron often finds herself traveling a great distance for acting gigs. Yet no matter where she lands, Joanne has to keep up with the ...