
How To Book More Acting And Modeling Gigs By Using DirectSubmit

It’s not as hard as you may think to submit yourself for acting and modeling roles. With a little research and some elbow grease, you can be on your way to booking gigs in no time. In order to submit ...
Evolution of a Character

In a work of fiction, a character undergoes an evolution as the story progresses. This is often due to the character’s interactions with other characters, as well as the challenges they face. The result is a changed person, who is ...
Wanda Sykes and Adam Devine in Jexi

Comedy is often said to be one of the hardest genres to act in. Nailing the perfect comedic timing, delivery and facial expressions can be a daunting task for even the most experienced of actors. However, with a bit of ...

If you want to be a successful actor, there are a few things you need to master. First and foremost is your monologue. A monologue is a speech that is given by an individual, typically in a dramatic play. It ...

Being a parent is hard enough, but when your kid wants to be an actor, it can be even harder. You don’t have the time to take them to auditions or help them with their lines. Well, you may as ...

Time is ticking! As the calendar year nears a close, the entertainment industry begins to ramp up its releases in an effort to create a “fourth quarter frenzy.” This is the time of year when studios start to release their ...
Luke and Laura's Wedding on General Hospital

Nothing tells a better story than infatuation. Usually infatuation is very intense and short-lived, however, there really isn’t any rule set for how long infatuation can last. Oftentimes, infatuation can be borderline creepy, even considered something called “obsessive love” which ...
Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Photo by Bueno Vista Pictures.

Characters are the lifeblood of any story. They provide the reader with someone to root for, or against. They are the ones that drive the plot forward and without them, there would be no story. So what goes into creating ...
Be Persistent and Dedicated to Achieve Your Goals

Most people think that in order to be an actor, all you need is good looks and talent. However, the truth is that it takes a lot more than that to be successful in this industry. In addition to natural ...
A positive attitude makes all the difference. Shot of a group of businesspeople showing thumbs up.

In the competitive world of acting, having a good attitude and work ethic can be the difference between getting a callback and being forgettable. Actors who are passionate about their craft and have a strong work ethic are usually the ...

It is no secret that the life of an actor can be filled with procrastination, anxiety, fear and regret. One of the most difficult things about being an actor is dealing with these feelings. Fear can be paralyzing and prevent ...

The importance of confidence for actors cannot be understated. A lack of confidence can be crippling for an actor, leading to a performance that falls flat. Conversely, a confident actor is able to command the stage and deliver a powerful ...

Downtime is for amateurs. If you’re an actor and you want some downtime, then you might as well be honest and say that you just want to sleep the day away. That’s perfectly fine! We all need some time to ...

In theatre, the fourth wall is the imaginary wall that separates the performers from the audience. The term “breaking the fourth wall” is used to describe moments when the characters acknowledge the audience or interact with them directly. The fourth ...
Tom Cruise in Top Gun: Maverick

Actors need to look the part and feel the part in order to get the part. They have to audition for roles, and the competition can be stiff. To get the part, they need to impress the casting director, director ...

When you need to look upset for an acting role or performance, there are a few things you can do to make sure you look convincing. First, it’s important to know what kind of upset you need to portray. Is ...

Two people in close proximity, their faces inches apart. They stare longingly into each other’s eyes, lips slightly parted. Gently, they touch foreheads, then noses, then lips… A love scene. We’ve all seen them countless times on TV and in ...

In order to be a great scene partner, one must be able to understand and respect the personal boundaries of their fellow actors. They must also be able to work together as a team in order to create a believable ...

It’s a scene as old as time: the child actor breaks into tears on cue. Whether it’s in a movie, TV show, or commercial, making a child cry on demand can be a powerful tool for directors and producers. There ...
Voiceover work can be very lucrative.

There are many different careers in the acting industry. Some of the most common actors and actresses work in Television, Film, Theater, as TV/Radio presenters, do Voiceovers and work as Stunt Performers. Each of these careers has its own unique ...